Five Signs You're Ready for a New Position

Having a job that you enjoy can make all the difference to your mindset. If the job that you are currently in is having a negative impact on you, then it may be time to hand in your resignation. Take a look at some simple tell-tale signs that means you’re ready for a new position. 

No progression/lack of development

If you are unable to progress in your job, then you may be stuck in a rut. A lack of development means nothing to work towards, which can result in a lack of motivation.

Having room to progress in your current job gives you something to work towards, but if this is not the case then you may want to change jobs. You need goals, aspirations and a push to achieve your potential.

Long commute times

The novelty of commuting doesn’t last forever. In fact, it fades very quickly. In this case, it might be time to look for a job closer to home. According to Insider, it is thought that those who commute in under half an hour gain a week’s worth of productive time per year, than those who commute 60+ minutes.

It is no surprise that many workers are choosing a career closer to home. The working from home option is becoming more popular, with the majority of employers welcoming a WFH/hybrid approach to work. 

Considering other opportunities

If you have an eye on new upcoming opportunities elsewhere, then it may be time to change jobs. Looking for a new job signifies that you are looking for a better opportunity, meaning your current position is not fulfilling your career needs.

If you find your current job dragging you down and you are actively looking for a new position, then subconsciously your decision has already been made. At Reperio, we can help you find a new job and increase your potential.

Lack of work/life balance

Having a work/life balance is important for your wellbeing. If you find yourself working long hours and spending little time for yourself, it can result in burnout. A company that promotes a good work/life balance can make all the difference.

Gut feeling

If you feel bored, or uneasy in your job then it is time to pursue something new. The gut feeling that you need to change career is hard to ignore. If you truly feel that you could grow, perform better and be happier elsewhere, then it is time to move onto somewhere new. 

There are many tell-tale signs that you are ready to move on from your current job. From a long commute to getting that gut feeling, you’ll know when it's right to move on from your current position. If that is the case, feel free to get in touch with our team to find your next permanent or contract IT position.

Written By: Emma Mitchell