Cyber Security

Increased Connectivity

We live in a connected world, with banking, shopping and communication just a click away. This makes our lives easier and streamlines tasks that were once tedious and time consuming. It is predicted that by 2025, the total number of connected devices is projected to be 30.9 billion units, a sharp jump from the 13.8 billion expected in 2021. 

Cyber Attacks 

However, with this increased connectivity comes increased risk, particularly for businesses. A worrying statistic published in the State of Email Security Report found that 79% of organizations were hurt by their lack of cyber preparedness. A cyber atack could cause problems such as the disruption of operations, commercial losses, regulatory action and loss of reputation and/or customers. All you have to do is to take a look at the case of the Irish health system who were victim to a ransomware attack, resulting in disruption to services and the threat of personal details being released online. 

Cyber Security 

Unfortunately, ignoring the possibility of a cyber attack is not an option. Businesses should create a culture that regularly encompasses cyber security, with regular training for employees to spot the signs of different types of cyber attacks, such as phishing, ransomware etc. It should be at the forefront of all activities, so having the right level of preparation and specialist assistance is paramount.

If you would like more information on hiring a Cyber Security Specialist for your organisation, or if you are a Cyber Security Specialist looking for your next job (contract or permanent), contact us!