Looking for a New Job

Looking for a New Job?

Have you lost your job due to the pandemic, found yourself on furlough or simply want a change? In Ireland, the market is candidate heavy at the moment, with a 20.2% unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2020 (CSO Labour Force Survey). However, there are some steps you can take to improve your chances of your job search being a success this year.
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Top Five Soft Skills for IT Jobs

While technical skills is still undoubtedly the most important aspect of an IT job, the importance of soft skills has been increasing throughout the years. LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2019 Report ranked soft skills as one of the top trends in acquiring and retaining talent, stating that it could make or break hiring the perfect candidate.
Woman working on a laptop at home

Tips for Working From Home

If you are used to working in the office full-time it can be difficult to get used to working from home at first. Reperio have put together a list of top tips that you can use to ensure that you boost productivity, maintain a healthy work-life balance and continue to deliver results while working remotely!